Dr. Haley Swift

Dr. Haley Swift

Dr. Haley Swift

Dr. Hayley Swift

Dr. Swift was born and raised in San Antonio and graduated from Churchill High School. After which she attended Texas A&M University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Minorin Dance. She then continued her education at the University of Houston where she earned her degree as a Doctor of Optometry and certification as an Optometric Glaucoma Specialist. Dr. Swift is a proud member of the American Optometric Association, theTexas Optometric Association, and the Bexar County Optometric Society.

Having traveled on several mission trips to underprivileged countries to provide optometric care, Dr.Swift strongly believes in giving back to the community. She currently volunteers at ICare SanAntonio serving the Haven for Hope community of SanAntonio.

Dr. Swift also travels annually to the Guerro Clinic in the small town of Guerrero in Chihuahua, Mexico. In her free time, Dr. Swift enjoys yoga, gardening, traveling, and above all, the time spent with her husband and two children.

  • Graduate Education Degree: Doctor of Optometry
    Year Graduated: 2009

  • College: University of Houston College of Optometry
    City/State: Houston, TX

  • Undergraduate Education Degree: Bachelor of Science
    Year Graduated: 2004

  • College: Texas A&M University
    City/State: College Station, TX


Therapeutic Optometrist, Optometric Glaucoma Specialist

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