What Conditions Can Ortho-k Correct?

What Conditions Can Ortho-k Correct?

What Conditions Can Ortho-k Correct?

Orthokeratology, or ortho-k, are contact lenses that correct refractive errors. It is a nonsurgical alternative to LASIK surgery that is popular among individuals who cannot undergo surgery or do not wish to do it. They provide clear vision during the day without needing glasses or contact lenses. 

Ortho-k lenses are for wearing overnight while sleeping. You can remove them in the morning and enjoy clear vision. Ortho-k effectively corrects different vision problems. However, there are some conditions that it is best suited for. 




Myopia or nearsightedness is a refractive error that occurs when the cornea is too curved or the eye is too long. Either causes light to focus in front of the retina, causing blurred distance vision. Individuals with myopia can see objects that are near, but those far away appear distorted or blurry.

Ortho-k effectively corrects myopia by reshaping the cornea. The lenses apply gentle pressure on the cornea to flatten it slightly and allow light to focus directly on the retina. The effects of orthokeratology give the wearer clear vision without needing contact lenses or glasses during the day.




Astigmatism is a refractive error that occurs due to an irregularly shaped eye. It causes light to focus on multiple eye points, resulting in blurred or distorted vision at close and far distances. Ortho-k is effective at correcting this condition. The lenses reshape the cornea and provide a more uniform surface for light to pass through. This allows light to focus on the retina for clear vision.




Farsightedness or hyperopia is a sight problem that occurs when the cornea is too flat or the eye is too short. It causes light to focus behind the retina, causing near objects to appear blurry. Orthokeratology helps by reshaping the cornea and increasing its curvature. It allows light to focus directly on the retina for clear vision.




The natural lens in the eye can lose flexibility and make it hard to focus on close objects when you have an age-related vision problem called presbyopia. Ortho-k lenses can help correct this by providing different power of correction to the lens. You can then see near and far objects without bifocals or reading glasses.




Anisometropia is a condition where the eyes have diverse refractive errors. It results in one eye being more nearsighted, farsighted, and astigmatic than the other. Ortho-k lenses can help correct this by providing different powers of correction to each eye. This allows both eyes to work together and give you a clear vision.


Contact Lens Intolerance


Some individuals cannot wear traditional contact lenses due to allergic reactions or discomfort. Ortho-k lenses are an effective alternative for such people who are contact lens intolerant. The lenses cannot irritate the eyes during the day since they are for wearing overnight.


Sports Vision


Ortho-k lenses can benefit athletes who need clear vision without needing prescription glasses or contact lenses during their sporting activities. They can provide clear vision during the day when worn during the night. They are helpful for individuals who play sports where contact lenses or eyeglasses pose a risk or are inconvenient, like martial arts or swimming.

For more about ortho-k, visit Today’s Vision Bulverde at our office in San Antonio, Texas. Call (210) 307-4749 to book an appointment today.

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